fuggership [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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angelo vestri
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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 23:32:10 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
It wasn't uncommon for Angelo to jog the stretch of the Lilycove waterside from the Sotally Tober, to the hangar he called his own. Today was one of those days.

It was first thing in the morning and even though August was bleeding into the beginnings of September, heat still stubbornly lingered in the Hoenn tropics. Sweat trickling down Angelo's tanned, scarred skin as he approaches his destination.

Some things never change, even with a meteor plummeting towards them.

Slowing to a walk, Angelo wipes his brow with the back of his hand before unlocking the side door. Immediately after entering Angelo makes for the electronics panel.

Key turned, he presses down a button to let the front shutters of the warehouse slide open, sunlight and the sound of the lapping waves instantly pour into the hangar. Bringing it to life as a couple of pokemon file in or slip outside.

Move 'er outside for me would you, Wallace?” He calls to a Golisopod that trudges over with loud stomps, the heavy creature used to helping guide the seaplane along the tracks in and out of the water outside. 

They'd need the full space of the building floor today...

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2022 20:12:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A large shadow passes over the hanger as the sound of large thrusters enter the scene as the shadow passes over the hanger again and starts to shrink as a towering large pole descends into the water next to the sea plane as it makes its way into the once calm waters. "hey fugger!"

From above one would see the Celesteela slowly come into clearer view as a man jumps from within its collar and onto the pier next to the hanger waving down Angelo and giving the man a salute. "hey fugger! looks like I came right on time. ready to have your entire body and spirit broken to dust?" With that declaration he slammed his fist into his hand before letting it relax and letting out a chuckle. "Haha, but for real you ready for today man? Cause trust me when I say I'm not gonna go easy on ya. Or at least our helpers for today won't go easy on you." With that he reached down to his belt and took a few balls to hold up to emphasize his point before releasing two of them to show off his Incineroar and Urshifu who stood tall behind him.


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angelo vestri
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2022 11:56:29 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it descending in a spaceship outside his hangar, after finally conquering the final biome amongst the stars?

No! It's , descending with flare and style and turning the waters choppy from the creature he rides!

Although surely, Angelo could be forgiven for having to squint in regards to the latter.

As the pilot steps out onto his floating, wooden dock his eyes don't quite know what to look at first. Kaz's new look, strikingly similar to their mutual friend gone from Hoenn's shores or the giant, bamboo spaceship behind him.

Both are curious, in different ways.

Sounds like you're already doing that to my pier!” He calls out in a playful jab, an eyebrow lifted as the bulky man jumps onto the wooden slats to the sound of complaining groans beneath his feet. 

When Angelo reaches the fresh redhead, he stretches out a hand towards him for a welcoming clap of palms. “Hey. It's been too long, I could'a sworn you were brunette before.” His lips split into a shit-eating, teasing grin.

It had been some time since they'd seen each other. Sea Hoenn, he thinks, had been an awkward last meeting... 

Well I bothered to tidy up the place for ya, so there's no going back now. Come in.” His hand slaps against his fellow fugger's back, encouraging Kaz and his muscular entourage towards the large open doors of the hangar.

Although he gives pause, to nod towards the Celesteela. “Sorry, big girl. Might have to leave you outside.

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 19:41:06 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Celesteela just raises one hand in a salute and with a smile of sorts and then quickly lifts off into the sky leaving Kazimir by his lonesome as the ginger waves to his ride.

"I mean...maybe i'm going for a change. Maybe." He replied to the question about his appearance in a handwave sort of way as he looked over at the cleaned up area he had set up for them before being led inside. As they did his Incineroar and Urshifu were quick to go off on their own and even start a bit of shadow boxing as a pair which earned a smirk from Kazimir as he figured they would either do their own thing until he called them out. They never missed a moment to do a bit of light exercising which would make them the perfect buddies for this sort of thing. Of course there was something about it that was still a bit of a surprise to Kazimir however,

"So ya mentioned wanting to learn how to defend yourself and I'm flattered ya picked me and all but...don't think its gonna be anything easy. Ya know the kind of shit I stir up and get into right?" His confidence never left his words as he let his muscles flex for a second. "Cause by the end of the day we might have to call in the whale to try and take you to a hospital afterward. We're gonna get you bulked up and skilled up, or at least on the track to by the end of the day."


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angelo vestri
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POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 19:43:39 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
With a return salute, Angelo watches for a brief moment as the Celesteela takes to the sky in a burst of fire. Its exit is about as dramatic as Kazimir's entire personality - they're a great match, really.

While the other pokémon that had accompanied the former Elite Four make themselves at home, getting down to some shadow boxing, Angelo raises a brow.

There's amusement in the curl of his lips at the exuding confidence. Kazimir is never dull, he'll give him that.

That 'shit you stir' is exactly why I asked you. You've got experience under your belt, Kaz. People are always taking a swing at you, figured you'd know better than anyone how to save your own ass.

Also, most importantly, there's respect there. He was not ignorant to his friend's skills.

Actually kind of what I'm lookin' to avoid. I've had one too many hospital visits lately.

Angelo needn't go into detail. After all, his visitor isn't the only one with a new feature, the pilot's neck bears the evidence of a battle near lost.

He didn't want himself and Skyler to go through that night again...

A sharp bark of laughter chases away any dour ruminations, teeth flashing in a shit-eating grin as his arms cross. While certainly not as jacked as Kazimir, his muscles are nothing to scoff at, either.  

Just some training tips for myself an' the team would be great. I like my muscles as is. Gotta be able to fit in the cockpit.

After all, Kazimir probably wouldn't be able to reach a sticker slapped between his shoulder blades, with those guns.

Anyway I'm all warmed up. Where d'you wanna start?

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2022 22:18:42 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was true that the size between the two fugger bros was a noticeable factor that would decide on how they should handle today. While being bigger and heavier meant that Kaz probably wouldn't be able to be more acrobatic that he likes to think he is it did mean that he could at least handle a few more bruises and dish some back out. In Angelo's case it was the opposite case and Kaz wanted to gauge that for himself.

"Well first let's see how well you can actually dodge outta trouble." His gaze turned over to his Incineroar who was taking a small breather and the two locked eyes before nodding and Kaz snapped back to face Angelo, "And we'll do that by seeing how well ya react to one of the most common but underlooked at problems, dealing with wild attack Pokemon!"

Suddenly a shadow appeared over the two of them and was quickly growing smaller and centered itself around Angelo as above them Kaz's incineroar had somehow managed to gain some serious air and is rapidly falling onto the pilot covered in a flare blitz to drop an elbow on him! "I'd drop and roll if I were you."


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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 11:38:50 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Where d'you wanna start? He'd asked.

Apparently, Kaz prefers to kick things off with a surprise, flaming elbow drop.

From the hangar rafters craft of steel beams, falls the Incineroar that had sauntered inside some few minutes ago. Heat and shadow pushes down on the back of Angelo's sweat dewed neck, making the large expanse of the warehouse suddenly stuffy.

Angelo reacts as Kazimir suggests, lunging out of the way on swift feet and the wag of an even quicker tongue, sarcastic. “Thanks!

Rolling along hard concrete, the pilot is quick to bounce back up onto his feet, pulse subtly spiking with the onset of adrenaline. “Nice moves. Didn't expect big boy to jump so fast.

With a sharp whistle, bright eyes blink owlishly from the darkness clinging to the rafters in which he'd perched. Incineroar's Alolan counterpart then leaps, wreathed in shadows, to silently lurk behind Angelo. 

Blue eyes fix on Kazimir and his muscled feline, standing where he'd left them. Angelo smiles with a sharp cornered invitation. “Well?

Let's go.

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 5:13:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As Angelo managed to duck out of the way of his Incineroar Kazimir couldn't help but give him a round of small applause. "Quick reflexes, good. Other folks tend to just stand there gawking." If he was one of those this would be pretty boring...and Kaz would probably have to revoke his fugger certificate. No fugger friend of his was going to be on that weak sauce.

From above the rafters where the Incineroar came from came another Pokemon, a familiar one to the large cat that gave the cat a reason to get a big grin on his face as he stared the owl down. Kaz was familiar with the look, it seemed like a possible rival had appeared before them. Good, they were going to need some healthy competition. "So its a tag team then? Hey the more the merrier!"

There was no time wasted as both trainer and pokemon rushed forward at their opposing duo with their muscles tensed and a lust for battle showing strong in their eyes. Tigger's fist was pulled back as a Thunder Fist sparkled to life in his paws as he swung a left hook with it at the Decidueye. Kazimir threw himself almost literally with Angelo jumping up and bringing his legs up to shoot them out into a dropkick right into Angelo's smaller frame. Was he going to try and knock the wind out of him or collapse his chest in?


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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2022 22:23:03 GMT
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comes at him with all the sheer bulk of the Titanic and while Angelo is sure that his heart would go on if he gets dropkicked by a man made of pure muscle, his bones might not.

Although he was used to sparring against someone who went primarily on the aggressive, Skyler was no wrestler. Not in the conventional sense, anyway.

One of my many talents,” Angelo slyly retorts, masking the burst of adrenaline that pops in his gut like a firework. “Maybe everyone else is just star struck by you.

Kazimir was right, though. If there was one defining trait in Angelo's combat skills, it's agility.

He dodges out of the way by pivoting on the ball of his foot. Not waiting to see if the fugger eats concrete for his reckless move, he stomps a foot down towards him. 

Gambet, meanwhile, eats the big cat's punch. An electric fist flying into his chest. Only for the owl's appearance to crumble like a released puppet, it's DISGUISE fading.

STEEL WING arrows fly towards the Incineroar from behind, high in the rafters.  

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